Don’t Diss Bermuda Shorts (Or Any Longline Ones)

In May, I took a trip to Bermuda, and before crashing my moped into a wall and being forced to stay inside with only the people on TV for company, I noticed that the locals around town all looked really, really fly in their Bermuda shorts (Yes! Bermudans actually wear Bermuda shorts!). There’s something really anti-fashion about the baggy, longer-length shorts, but after seeing so many of them worn so well with tucked-in shirts, I can say with confidence that they can be fashion-forward, too. And it’s not just Bermuda shorts; all shorts with longer silhouettes are having their moment in the sun for the same reason.
Personally, I can’t stand short-shorts. I feel exposed and constrained all at the same time. Go a size too small, and suddenly you’re rocking three muffins — one per leg and one on top. Not to mention they aren’t comfortable enough to make it worth potentially exposing my butt to strangers if I happen to have an untied shoelace. I’ve made it through entire summers entirely avoiding the damn things (which, to be honest has been really easy, because...skirts), but I’m finally changing my tune for two reasons: Long shorts are back, and I don’t give a fuck if my shorts don’t do the same thing to my legs as a minidress does.
Long shorts are without a doubt comfortable, they look effortless and cool, and they’re way easier to pull off than you might think. Try to find a pair with a bit more of an A-line to make them look more fashion-forward. You throw on your favorite graphic tee and ta-da — solid look. Do yourself a favor and take the risk. If it doesn’t work out? Blame it on me. You have my permission to show anyone giving you a hard time the following sentence: “I, Rachel Besser, fashion market editor of Refinery29, told your friend to wear those potentially unflattering shorts. I am not sorry because your friend is comfortable and looks really cool.” Want some yet? Then keep reading.