10 Signs Of Fashion-Girl FOMO

Fashion moves at the speed of light nowadays, which means trends can come and go in the blink of an eye. One minute you're on it, the next minute you're the only person at a party still wearing wedges. But the upside to this revved-up trend cycling is all of the addictive tracking technology that's come with it. It seems there's a new shopping app popping up every week, and if it weren't for Instagram, we'd be that friend who's always #late on everything. Technology, we thank you.
But every now and then, a serious case of fashion FOMO (#FFOMO) emerges between our double taps.
"Gosh, that is so cute."
[clicks shopping link]
"And so out of my budget. All right."
Harsh. So in the spirit of letting you know that we totally get you (and join you in your fear of missing out on the next best #ootd), here's a list of GIFs that probably depict some feels you probably could have skipped out on feeling.