10 Fashion Inventions We Wish Existed

Back when you were a mere fashion neophyte just discovering the world of clothes, encountering something like, say, a skort was nothing short of an epiphany. "So, it's fancy like a skirt, but I can sit cross-legged like I do in shorts?" And, then your mind exploded.
These days, dickies and jeggings and these guys are totally familiar things to you, and it seems that no new, genius fashion products could surprise your jaded self. Which is why we're here to bring back that magic. Sure, these products don't exist, per se, but we're sure there's some enterprising reader well-versed in material sciences and garment engineering who'll take these ideas to the bank. Until then, let's inspire some epiphanies once again with these 10 fashion inventions that would make our lives so much better.

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