21 Of Our Favorite Money Diaries Comments

Photographed by Natalia Mantini.
Unless you're new to this scene, you might have noticed that Money Diaries have been making a very regular appearance on R29 recently. Since January, we've been publishing Money Diaries daily. We're also bringing back Money Diaries Monday, where we'll take a deep dive into Money Diaries in a variety of ways — from recurring articles to fresh pieces for the MD community at the start of every week.
Because no Money Diary reading experience is complete without input from the MD Commentariat, we're sharing some of the comments that have made us laugh, smile, or reflect. Feel free to share your favorite Money Diaries moments, too, in the comments.
Our goal is to give you a wider sense of how diarists across the country — and across the world — are spending, saving, splurging, or just dipping their toe into their finances for the very first time. So, keep reading, keep submitting — and keep commenting.

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