10 Pieces Of Feminist Jewelry For Nasty Women

Feminism isn’t something to be commodified or co-opted, particularly by fashion. But as the past few seasons' runways have shown, wearing outspoken attitudes and political statements on your chest (whether subtle or straight-forward) can be a small but powerful act of resistance and solidarity.
While T-shirts, badges, and hoodies featuring loud and proud slogans seemed to be the items of choice over the past few weeks, we’re currently donning our pride with some damn good jewelry – because there’s something to be said for the enjoyable defiance that comes when you clock the disapproving double-take of middle-aged men on the subway. Why yes, that is a golden vagina on my necklace, thanks for asking.
Now, more than ever, is the time for wearing — with tongue firmly in cheek — a pair of boobs on your wrist, female genitalia around your neck, and the Venus symbol in your ears. Here's some of our favorite feminist pieces.