Is “Financial Health” The Next Big Wellness Trend?

Financial wellness is a watery term. For some, it’s about homeownership. For others, it’s about paying rent on time. For plenty, it’s about budgeting for a daily oat-milk latte. We all arrive at adulthood with different levels of privilege, different cumulative debts, and different spending habits — and for all of us, monetary stability is personal.
That’s why we partnered with Prudential Financial, a company that's as devoted to promoting your financial wellness as you are, to explore the ways women are managing their well-being in 2019. Is it about paying off debt? Investing in a home? Putting money aside for an emergency? We vowed to find out — so we reached out to five different women and asked them how they define financial wellness, and whether or not they believe they’ve achieved it. Ahead, see if their definitions align with yours.

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