How To Save Big On Food All Year Long, One Month At A Time

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
Food is one of those things that necessary to life that we also happen to really, really enjoy. Which means this fundamental human need can, inadvertently, become an easy way to spend a lot of money without thinking about it. While we're all for splurges (and even regular, "superfluous" expenses) when we can afford it, cutting back on food can be an easy – and even fun – way to save money.
But rather than starting out the new year with a blanket resolution that's sure to fail ("Only packed lunches at work forever!"), we've come up with 12 mini-resolutions for every month of the year. From cutting out booze in January to stocking freezers in the late summer, each challenge will set you up to try something potentially new – and save some dough while you're at it. As a bonus, you might just create some sustainable habits that last once the month is gone.
Whether you're setting a savings goal for a trip or large purchase, or just looking to live better within your means or bolster savings, we've got an entire year's worth of money-saving challenges that are fun and tasty at the same time.

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