Nab Your Dream Wardrobe With This Massive $5,000 Giveaway

We'd be lying if we said we instantly noticed all the latest and greatest fashion trends — there are just too many. While it doesn't happen often, every once in awhile, someone will shock you with their perfectly of-the-moment item...and you'll have no idea when they got the collective heads-up it was gonna be huge.
Whether you were late to the game on highlighter-drenched neon or simply snoozed on monochromatic matching, it's happened to the best of us. Luckily, our friends at FORWARD by Elyse Walker have the perfect cure-all for being tardy to the sartorial party. That fix-it solution? A $5,000 shopping spree for one reader to peruse the unbelievably well-curated shop's site and nab a closet full of mega finds.
If you're the type of girl who's been left cold-calling Isabel Marant stores overseas to get sold-out wedge gymmies, this is your chance to get it right the first time around. We've rounded up eight items encroaching on Next Big Thing status, so no matter the outcome, this crib sheet will have you set for next season. From optical illusions and old-school Americana to the shorts you'll soon see everyone sporting to Sunday brunch, enter to win and peek through the items you should nab before it's too late!

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