Can’t Afford A Gym? These Workouts Are For You

If you buy into the hype about the latest must-do boutique fitness class all the cool people on Instagram are doing (or if you lust after the gorgeous facilities you can see through the window at the new, expensive gym in your neighborhood), you might think that the more money you spend on exercise, the better shape you’ll be in. The good news is, that's definitely not true.
While we don’t have anything against paying for a class or a gym membership you love if it fits into your budget, we're not into the idea that you need to spend money to get a good workout, for a few reasons.
First of all, there's a chance that whatever you're paying for actually isn't a great fit for your exercise preferences or your lifestyle. Maybe cardio machines totally bore you. Maybe you find the weight room intimidating and uncomfortable. Or maybe your gym or studio is simply too inconvenient to get to, so you hardly ever actually go. Yet you’re paying for that fancy membership anyhow. By forcing yourself to aim for the gym- or studio-rat life (and failing to actually do it) you’re not only wasting money, you’re also not doing your health any favors. What’s the point of paying for the perks of a membership if you don't really like it, or worse, rarely go?
And on the flip side, if you really think you need a class or a gym to work out, but you straight-up can’t afford it, this can lead you to skip exercise altogether.
The bottom line is that a good workout is simply one that you’ll actually do. So, whether you’re looking for cheap ways to get fit, or just seeking out fun, new ideas for supplementing your routine, all you need is a little creativity. Not sure what to do? We’ve got you covered. Click ahead for seven great ways to break a sweat without opening your wallet.

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