French Fashion Plates: In Honor Of Paris Fashion Week

As the whirling frenzy of fashion month heads for the finish line, the Glitterati have taken to Paris — touching down at Charles de Gaulle earlier this week. Mais non, sadly we are still here in Los Angeles having somehow missed an invite to see Uncle Karl’s and Monsieur Ghesquiere’s collections this season. But nothing makes our inner Parisienne fill with plaisir et joie (and yes, envy) like spotting the chicness from the likes of Emmanuelle and Carine lounging in chaises in the Tuileries, and chassé-ing around the arrondissements between shows.
Alas, since we're stuck stateside, we've highlighted three of our favorite L.A. French eateries, and found the perfect vêtements for you to wear to your own runway show.

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