These Frida Kahlo Cookies Are Our New Obsession

Instagram and food are a winning combination — that’s a no-brainer. But, add really cute baked goods shaped like emojis, clouds, and pop-culture icons like Frida Kahlo and Carmen Miranda to the equation, and you’ve got a recipe for Instagram gold.
XO Bakes is a new company founded by former Square employee Becca Jones. The 35-year-old S.F.-er concocts mini works of art on cookies that are so gorgeous, you almost can't eat them. Almost.
Jones says that the entire endeavor was inspired by a trip to Kahlo's home in Mexico City. "I had this vision of her face on a cookie," she tells us. After deciding to ditch her job in tech, she joined The Passion Co. — a local start-up dedicated to helping folks find their calling — to get motivated to launch the project. "Since then, I've started to look at ordinary things around me in cookie form. I love bringing happiness to others through handmade, tasty treats.”
From these unibrowed beauts to an ode to Keith Haring, we've rounded up our favorite creations from XO Bakes to inspire you to get creative in the kitchen. Valentine's Day project, anyone?

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