Shhh. There aren't any deadlines. Your phone isn't ringing. So for the love of all that is good, quit answering your dang emails for one freaking day. Some might call it Black Friday, but for the majority of America, the day after Thanksgiving is a much-needed excuse to sleep in, stay in your jammies, and make like a vegetable. And most importantly, whiling away our time on totally useless, time-suck websites.
We all know Buzzfeed, the Best of Craigslist, and Animals Being Dicks, but those, dear readers, are just the tip of the iceberg. To make sure you get absolutely nothing done (nothing productive, anyway!), we've rounded up our favorite ways to idle away our time.
Today, any excuse to watch kittens bounce around on your screen or ogle endlessly covetable design objects is not only welcome, but encouraged. In fact, take these R29-approved sites and bookmark them — maybe they'll provide in-cubicle inspiration, a new addiction, or (hopefully) a reminder that it is totally okay to zone out and watch cute things be cute, any day of the week.