Nathan: "One conversation shouldn't ruin a marriage, but there wasn't much of a marriage there to begin with."
Connie "Their argument was so hateful."
Nathan: "Contempt is probably the worst emotion in a relationship."
Annie: "But it made me believe their marriage for the first time, because they knew each other's trigger points. That fight was amazing. AMAZING. Jessa's points about being the brightest thing in his life were SPOT on, and good for her for letting it be known."
Nathan: "Or his apparent love of prostitutes."
Connie "Touché. And hers was that she was a whore with a bad work ethic, which says more about him than her, IMO. It's so uncreative."
Nathan: "Right. He's clearly awful, and she clearly has awful judgement. Just look at their very first interaction. He threw a fit because she spilled wine on his rug and wouldn't have a threesome."
Connie "But did you guys think that this was her plan all along? To get money out of it?"
Connie "But when he offered her money to leave him (which was just so despicable), she accepted it so quickly!"

Connie: "I thought this fight between Jessa and Thomas was so interesting in light of the argument that Shoshanna and Ray were having, doing a similar thing, in a way."
Nathan: "They weren't trying to hurt each other though."
Connie "I know, that's what makes it different, but she was still listing the things that she knows he feels the most insecure about: his lack of passion, his shitty job, his lack of a home, his age, etc. But instead of coming from a place of vindication, it came out of concern. She was legitimately freaked out because the relationship had progressed without her realizing it. Moving in together is way advanced in a relationship, at least according to Shoshanna, and she was trying to work out how she could move in with him…but did she love him?…but she did love him, but how could she possibly love him when he didn't fit into her idea of the kind of guy she'd fall in love with? When he said that it was way too soon for her to say she loved him, and then she apologized. That's the part i cried in."
Annie: "THAT'S when you cried!?!"
Connie "WHAT. That part was SAD! Like, she felt so ashamed of her feelings, and was so ready to discount them, but he felt the same way! TEARS!"
Connie: "No way. 8/10, for sure."
Nathan: "I didn't feel particularly moved, but I did buy the conversation with Ray and Shoshanna in spite of myself. Earlier this season, I had a hard time going with this newly lovable Ray."
Connie "Do you have any relationship storyline triggers? Things that make you feel weepy?"
Annie: "Friends being friends really gets me, obviously."
Connie "Mine has always been feeling like you didn't deserve something when you actually do."
Nathan: "Are you asking me?"
Connie "Yes."
Nathan: "If I have like 'emotional kryptonite'?"
Connie: "Yes, as a guy who watches Girls, what would have to happen to make you feel weepy?"
Nathan: "Usually in movies where I feel sad, it has to do with recognizing the inevitability of endings. The existential inevitability of death, that sort of thing. Like the end of Toy Story 3. That was pretty emotional for me. Also, Dancer In the Dark , Wong Kar-Wai's movies, Half Nelson."
Connie: "So if Hannah and Adam were caught in some sort of predicament, and had to accept death together."
Nathan: "Yeah."
Nathan: "Maybe. I'd have a hard time believing Hannah would be the type who'd be so zen. Like I said, I'd have to buy it."
Connie: "Did you buy Marnie and her Charlie?"
Annie: "Okay NO. These are grown-ups acting fine enough to call out their own awkwardness. If it's really awkward, you don't talk about it, you know? Like you don't say 'I didn't know you were both coming.' You don't call each other out at dinner. You give each other death glares and text friends that aren't in the room about how much the new girlfriend sucks."
Nathan: "What couple would have stayed in that situation though? There's no way. For however unlikeable either of them are though, I think their relationship is actually really realistic. It's a long-term first relationship that refuses to die. They aren't meant for each other, but they are still so co-dependent."