How To NOT Get Frostbite When You Go Out Tonight

We're not exactly fans of no-shows and people who decide to cancel plans at the last minute, but when it's too cold to function (like right now), we understand. Still, we can't just all huddle under heated blankets until everything thaws. To help, we've come up with outfit ideas that make it possible to enjoy a fun social life without freezing your butt off.
Dressing for such inclement climes requires some strategic thinking: Outfits deemed sexy in summer will earn you a one-way ticket to the emergency room; and while a sleek leather jacket was your fall date-night topper of choice, today you're going to need to pile another coat on top. (One underneath, too.) There are still plenty of other options for bundling that won't "ruin" your look, and will allow you to slyly slip on an extra layer. Click over and confirm your plans for this evening. Your Slanket will still be there when you get back.

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