These 9 Gourmet Popcorns Are Your New 3PM Snack Obsession

We live in an age of artisanal everything. From craft beers to fancy cheeses, there's nary a food on the market that hasn't been spun through the quality-over-quantity movement. The latest edible: Popcorn.
Heirloom popcorn seeds are in vogue, says The New York Times, and people are rekindling their interest in old-fashioned home popping — on a pan with oil, seasoned to taste. They're even experimenting with rad new flavors (Sriracha and wasabi, anyone?).
If you just don't have time to turn on the stove, we've got you covered. From sweet to savory to guilt-free, click ahead for online gourmet popcorn offerings that are just as tasty as the homemade version. Next movie-at-home night, done.

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