18 Perfect Mother’s Day Gifts For Your Grandma

My grandma was a force of nature. She was a boss business woman who took no shit from anyone, and she also made brownies with me and let me eat globs of the batter. She used to say funny things like: “Try to be a little less ornamental and a little more useful,” and, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” On Mother’s Day, I would treat her to a bottle of Chanel perfume and a bar of dark chocolate — her favorites — to show my appreciation for her wisdom (and the batter).
Of course, show me a hundred grandmothers and I'll show you a hundred people with different opinions, interests, and pet peeves — which is why we rounded up a (Grand)Mother's Day gift guide with options for everyone from the glam gran to the gardening addict to the bookworm.
Swipe through the find the perfect present for the grandmother in your life this May 10.

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