The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Being A Better Adult

Photographed by Erica Gannett.
Truth: Whether you're in college or in your thirties, acting like an adult sometimes seems like a straight-up impossible ideal. You've got a million things on your to-do list, no time to do them, and are always under a ton of pressure. But here's the thing: Everyone — even the most adult-seeming person you know, the one who keeps a first-aid kit in the car and whose dry goods are all organized in Mason jars feels like they're faking it some of the time.
Another secret: While the big stuff — budgets, job decisions, choosing a partner — requires a ton of thought, tiny tweaks in how you live and what you surround yourself with can make you feel way more secure in your grown-up status. And when you've got the little stuff on lock, it's a lot easier to tackle the big stuff.
Click through to see our totally doable tips for becoming a real adult — you'll feel more grown-up in no time.

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