12 Easy Tricks For Having A Grown-Up Apartment

Illustrated by Mallory Heyer.
When can you truly call yourself a grown-up? It’s nearly impossible to define, because it’s different for everybody. Maybe it's the first time you had to fire somebody, or when you refinance your mortgage. Maybe you don't feel grown-up until you have your first child. And then there are the people who never, ever grow up.
You might not feel like an adult, but like most of us, you’re probably at least trying to fake it. And it turns out, a lot of how adult we feel has to do with the way we present ourselves in our living spaces.
I distinctly remember the first time I visited the home of my very successful friend and her very rich boyfriend. Since I looked up to them as the pinnacle of adulthood (in a serious relationship, living together, making a boatload of money, at the top of their professional game), I assumed their apartment would reflect this success. I don’t know what I was expecting, exactly — oriental rugs, heavy chandeliers, more kitchen gadgets than they knew what to do with? Instead, I was greeted with what seemed like the home of two college bros. Posters were tacked haphazardly to the walls. The kitchen was overflowing with free plastic cups from sporting events. They had one couch and used an overturned crate for a coffee table.
Huh, I thought. Even I can fake being a grown-up better than this.
And so can you. Do you want to live an adult apartment, even though you still rely on mom and dad for tax advice or have yet to master how to boil a pot of water? We’ve got you covered. Read on to discover the 12 surprising, small things you can do in your home that will have your friends saying, “Wow. She’s an adult.”

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