The Faux Pas You Didn’t Even Know You Were Making

Hannah Hart is the host of My Drunk Kitchen on YouTube, a weekly series in which — you can imagine — she drinks, cooks, and eats. But, what she’s really known for (online and off, drunk and sober) is being an all-around nice human being.
Nobody wants to be mean. All right, almost nobody wants to be mean. But, let's face it: No matter how hard we try to be progressive, well-rounded people, we all mess up. There are a lot of cultures and a lot of people in the world, and it's hard to keep up with what we should say and what we shouldn't say. It's just too easy to speak before thinking, to offend without realizing.
So, if you want to dive a little deeper and be a bit nicer — it’s better that way, right? — I made a list of eight things that are rude but not always obviously rude. We’re probably all guilty of at least one (number four could take down even the most terminally polite person). Learn to spot when you're doing them, and you might stop offending people altogether. Or, at least, offend fewer people. Works in progress, right?


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