Happy Birthday Vivienne Westwood! Fashion’s Biggest Bad-ass Turns 70!

Our favorite fashion badass, Vivienne Westwood, turns 70 today! Few designers can say that they led an entire movement, but Westwood is undeniably the queen of Punk and has endured as a symbol of rebellion for over 40 years. The formery primary school teacher is known for her heavily textured and patterned clothing that's has never been for the faint-of-heart, and often carried sexual or political connotations that ruffled the feathers of the general public. Even today, whether she's painting mustaches on her models or designing wedding gowns for Carrie Bradshaw, Vivienne Westwood has never toned down her sense of style and continues to push the boundaries of what fashion looks like and what meaning it carries. Ahead, the most iconic moments in Viv's design history!

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