Oh, Labor Day. The last gasp of day-drinking summer before things get all serious and back-to-school-y. Before heading to your end-of-summer party tomorrow, here are three simple rules to help you from drinking too much to rally on Tuesday.
Some of us make resolutions in January; some prefer September. For those looking for a fresh start in the form of a technology detox, this app wants to wean you off your smartphone dependency — without leaving you completely disconnected. (The Washington Post)
Bikini season may be over, but great abs can last a lifetime...or something. For a better core workout this week, here's how to trick yourself into holding a plank longer. (The Science of Us)
Are these plant drinks the next coconut water? Meet the trendy sips you’ll be seeing at Whole Foods soon. Because, really, it was only a matter of time before artichoke water became a thing. (Q by Equinox)
Finally, go forth and be one with nature: Science has given you the OK to pee in the ocean — this Labor Day and beyond.