As we prepare to say good-bye to Hillary Clinton as secretary of state — and ponder who will fill her well-traveled shoes now that Susan Rice has dropped out — it goes without saying that our country is losing a rock star of a representative. Barbara Walters knows this, too, which is why she selected Clinton for her 2012 list of the 10 most fascinating people, which aired Wednesday night on ABC.
During Clinton's moment in the hot seat, Walters grilled her about whether she was exhausted ("To be honest — I am"); the number of countries she's visited (112 — close to a million miles of travel); and whether she'll run for president in 2016 (she says no).
She even pressed Hillz about everyone's favorite topic: her hair. And Clinton's response was nothing short of amazing: "I do not travel with any hairdresser and I’m not very competent myself — I’ve been admitting that for years, which should be obvious to everyone. It just got to be really burdensome to try and find a hairdresser in some city somewhere, so I said, ‘Enough. We’re just going to try to go as simple as possible.’"
So, the message is: Take inspiration from her work ethic, not her beauty routine. (Styleite)

Photo: Via ABC