Non-Cheesy Holiday Hair For All Textures

Question: What's the difference between holiday hair and prom hair?
Answer: Well, nothing, really. Until now.
We called on hair pro Charlie Taylor, who’s known for coming up with more than a few out-of-the-box ideas, and challenged her to make the holiday updo a little less, well, basic. What’s more, we gave her everything from cropped to elbow-length manes, tight curls to fine strands, and then let her work her magic. That’s when she broke out the pastel hair chalk, gold pigment, and more tiny elastics than we could count.
Click through to get the rundown on four exciting DIY styles that we hope you’ll be daring enough to try for your next holiday party. Trust us: With 'dos this smart, nobody will even notice you wore that little black dress twice in one week.

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