Kitchen Fixes For A Seriously Enviable Mane

There's no shortage of supplements, treatments, tools, and creams that promise to give you a head full of amazing hair, but if you're on a quest for a covetable mane, look no farther than your pantry for all the ammo you need to truly transform your tresses. Turns out everything from apple cider vinegar to molasses can be used to make your hair look positively stunning, and at a fraction of the cost of some of those pricy treatments.
We caught up with Kyle White, the supremely talented lead colorist at the Oscar Blandi salon in NYC. He's apparently a DIY beauty whiz kid, too — he knows the foods you need to eat to make your hair look awesome, plus what to slather on your strands to add softness, shine, and even make your color more vibrant.
"My grandmother was an Italian immigrant who grew up during the Great Depression," he says. "She believed that homemade was always better than store-bought. While I may not completely agree with her on that, I definitely believe that there is great benefit in having this knowledge for holistic treatments. Incorporating these at-home treatments into your existing regimen of high-end beauty products allows for a more complete and balanced beauty regimen."
The best part about making your own hair masks (besides the price, of course): "These are very effective because you are using beneficial ingredients directly from the source, as opposed to from a laboratory," says White. "You know that the ingredients are fresh, and you can also customize them to fit your specific needs and preferences."
Read on for White's recipes for making your hair silky-soft, healthy, and all-around awesome with nothing more than a few ingredients from your local grocery store. Then get in the kitchen and start playing Betty Crocker — your hair will thank you.
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