What Waiting To Have Sex Really Means Today

I'm not into the idea of the "hopeless romantic." To me it's au contraire! But, I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Gunnar Larson, an NYC-based interior designer (and, yes, a hopeless romantic), who proves that nice guys finish first, and that it is possible to get out of the friend zone. In meeting Gunnar and interviewing him about his relationship, I was able to understand more about what it's like to save oneself for marriage — even if, like Gunnar, you're not exactly a virgin. Holding faith and "the gift of sexuality" close, Gunnar and his wife, Sarah, decided not to have sex until their wedding night. For them, this meant that they implemented the "one pant rule." Or, that one person must be wearing underpants at all times. That is, of course, until their wedding night. I'm excited for you to meet Gunnar and hear more about what it means to be romantic and religious today. Gunnar is the kind of guy who bought his wife's engagement ring at age 13 — nearly a decade before meeting her, just because he believed in love. He's the kind of guy who got stuck in the friend zone with said future wife and worked his way out, proving his love for her again and again and again. And, the kind of guy that believes in love so wholly and fully that while interviewing him, I may have fallen in love with his love, too.
Watch the below for some BTS details and check out the world of Cupidity for more real-life love.

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