How To Pack For Hot & Cold Weather In One Trip

Plain and simple: Packing for vacation is hard. Even if you consider yourself a packing pro, prepping for any type of trip typically falls into one of three categories: too much stuff, too little stuff, or all the wrong stuff (i.e., three party dresses when you’re going on a hiking retreat, because, well, you never know). Chances are, this “problem” gets exacerbated when you’re visiting two different climates in one trip, like, say, heading to the midwest for Christmas, but jetting off to the Caribbean for New Year's Eve.
Prepping for two totally different climates doesn't mean you need to lug a bunch of giant suitcases around or having to ask to “borrow” your S.O.’s last pair of clean socks. Instead, there are key pieces to bring that will help you get the most of both types of temperatures with the least amount of items. Whether you’re going to two totally different locations or you’re just traveling from your frigid hometown to a warm place and back again, the 16 essentials ahead will have you fully prepared for the extremes.