20 Women Share How Much Money They Have In The Bank

Photographed by Rachel Cabitt.
Okay, so it isn't the most polite question to ask. But boy is it natural to be curious about your peers' finances — and to feel comfort in knowing you're in the same boat as everyone else. (Any else have retirement-oriented fever dreams?) At R29, we're interested in erasing the taboo nature of money talk — so we thought we'd ask just about the most vulnerable question we could think of: How much money do you have in your bank account right now at this very moment? And speaking of, how much debt do you have? Oh and while you're at it, how do you feel about all of that information as it relates to the grand scheme of your life?
We asked, and over 250 of you answered. Ahead, you'll find responses from a wide range of incomes, ages, and industries.

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