Your Go-To Guide For Capturing The Ultimate 29Rooms Photos

If you haven't had the opportunity to experience the magic that is 29Rooms IRL sometime over the past three years, you've probably at the very least seen a photo or two sprinkled across your timeline. The reason we know that? At the risk of sounding braggy, our once art-focused event — dreamed up by none other than R29 cofounder and creative director Piera Gelardi — has become a pretty big deal. (As in, reaching an average of one out of two Instagram users in 2016 alone.)
For all the amazing qualities it has to offer — bringing art to life in an interactive, meaningful way and acting as a colorful adult playhouse — it's also become synonymous with being a pretty major photo op. (Need proof? Just take a look at this hashtag). So to help you cash in on your dream Insta moments, we're partnering with the brand-new Google Pixel 2 smartphone to unveil our catchall guide for capturing the perfect 29Rooms photos. You'll find everything you need — from the most photogenic, share-worthy rooms to what Pixel 2 features you'll need to use to capture 'em — broken down, ahead. Now all that's left to do is select your photog.

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