It’s Almost Promotion Season — Here’s Your Strategy

illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Promotions and job-searching have a lot in common: They're often a multi-step process, with no clear-cut path or "right" way to score one. Even more annoying: The fact that even within the same company, promotions are often handled in different ways. While some large companies may seem to have "promotion seasons" during which entire cohorts of employees are automatically shifted to a new title with a comparative bump in salary, it's far more typical for promotions to be unique to the individual.
That said, there are some promotion stats that are good to know. For one, January is a huge month for promotions according to LinkedIn research, likely because that's when companies reassess their budgets for individual teams and employees. And with January around the corner (scary, but true), experts say now is the time to make it clear that you're in the running for a promotion — if you wait until January to make it known to the higher-ups, it may be too late.
In general, it's best to make the quest for a promotion a year-round endeavor, with your manager always knowing what your next steps and goals are. That's why these 15 strategies are not only brilliant if you want a promotion now, but are good habits to practice throughout the year to show that you're in the game — and you're ready to win that title you've been coveting.
Click through for 15 easy ways to get ready to make your big ask.

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