Still Don't Get How To Layer Necklaces? Let's Discuss

Photographed by Jin & Dana.
There are some styling tips the fashion set just won't let go of, regardless of the trends and seasons that come to pass. They're the back-pocket tricks you consistently see on the runways, and even when they don't hit the mainstream, they're still vital to making any outfit look especially fashion-forward — think: socks with sandals, extra-oversized silhouettes, or, a personal favorite, layering necklaces. Like, really layering them.
It's the kind of concept you probably see everywhere, from the jewelry packs at Forever 21 to Jennifer Lawrence's Dior campaign, and still manage to avoid, whether you think you can't pull it off (wrong!) or just don't know where to begin. Because despite the fact that necklace-layering is far from a novel concept, there's always that fear of ending up with a twisted, mangled, and tangled disaster around your neck. But not anymore.
Inspired by real-life layering professionals, from Leandra Medine to Gilda Ambrosio, we've put together a step-by-step guide to wearing multiple necklaces at once, ranked from elementary to professional. While we, for one, are sick of the less-is-more mentality when it comes to jewelry, we know minimalism is generally synonymous with playing it safe; if that's your m.o., allow the necklaces to be the focal point of your outfit by sticking with a more pared-down blouse. And if you're cool with wearing a whole lot of real-life KiraKira+ around your neck, that works too. Either way, now's the time to learn to pile it on with confidence.

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