How To Look Amazing All Day Long

Few things can make you feel quite as confident (and triumphant) as walking out of the house knowing that you’ve totally aced your makeup. But, getting that artful smoky eye, bold lip, or flawless foundation to actually stay in place? That’s a whole other struggle. From creased eyeshadow to concealer that pulls a vanishing act worthy of David Copperfield mere hours after application, keeping your face looking as beauteous as it did when you first applied it can be a challenge. And, don’t even get us started on what happens to our visages after a late night out.
For those of us whose faces go from done up to "what makeup?" in a matter of hours, finding the right products is half the battle. As for the other half, well, let’s just say it’s all in the details. We chatted up pro makeup artist Saj Mack and aesthetician Katie Kilgore for their foolproof tricks of the trade — and, yes, their holy-grail products — to help you finally achieve makeup that lasts. 
Keep clicking to learn their secrets.

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