24 Slack Hacks You Didn't Know You Needed

produced by Julie Borowsky; photographed by Tayler Smith.
Office chat software was never particularly exciting — until, of course, Slack came along. Now more than 10 million of us the app each day. Chatting in Slack has become the work habit we can't quit.
Chances are, you're familiar with its main features — the ability to create and join different chat rooms, how to share a GIF, or the shortcut to your favorite parrot emoji. But Slack actually has a ton of cool features you may not know about. You can customize exactly what words and phrases you get notified about. You can edit messages after the fact. And you can even integrate apps and bots to automate tasks.
If you're ready to make Slack a little more fun (and a lot more productive), here are 21 tips you should know.

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