How To Write A Résumé That Robots Will Read

Photographed by Tayler Smith.
Your worst "the robots are taking over" nightmare probably doesn't involve a machine sitting down with a cup of tea and assessing your résumé, but in 2018, the idea isn't completely farfetched. (At least sans Earl Grey.)
Many companies have turned to application tracking systems (ATS) to help ease the hiring process. Carisa Miklusak, the CEO of tilr, a company that matches workers to jobs using a propriety algorithm, says almost all large and medium-sized organizations across industries use some kind of ATS — so it's possible the next pair of eyes on your résumé will be a little ... mechanical.
Why should you care? Conventional advice on résumé writing doesn't tend to take this into account. Our robot overlords might not be as discerning as human beings, but they can hone in on the professional strengths you want potential employers to notice — if you write your résumé right. Here's where to start.
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