The Gramercy Park Hotel's bohemian-chic decor has us all wishing that we were BFFs with uber-hotelier (and Studio 54 creator) Ian Schrager. It would be nice to live the high-life and mingle with the regular VIP guests—Rihanna, Ashton & Demi, Madonna—before crashing on the gazillion-thread-count sheets in any one of the 5 star hotel's outrageous suites. But since Schrager's BBM list is already beyond full, we've been searching for a way to get our fill of exclusive A-lister news. Lucky for us, with the launch of the hotel's hot, new blog, it's making it much easier than we originally thought. The mini-mogul has created a one-stop web-spot for interviews, videos, and photos, posted by a rotation of awesome contributing editors, as well as updates by Schrager himself. Check out the blog right now to sneak a peek at photos of Sean Lennon and his girlfriend Charlotte Kemp Muhl at a recent event at the hotel's Rose Bar, and keep checkin' regularly: In the coming weeks, readers can expect to see a video of Eva Longoria impersonating Victoria Beckham's British accent. For once, it ain't that bad to be left off the VIP list.