Outfits That’ll Make You Look Like “That Girl”

Photographed by Christian Vierig.
It's the je ne sais quoi woman. It's the person at the bar who you purposefully sidle up next to to find out where she bought her jeans. It's the friend who, following each friend-date, always inspires you to spend way too much money during your next shopping trip. It's that person at work who always seems to be wearing the exact thing that's currently burning a hole in your online shopping cart. She's "that girl" — the one wearing an outfit you've never seen before, but is somehow so right and meant to be.

Hyperbole aside, there's no special formula in dressing with the sort of panache that looks both effortless and advanced. But there is copying — and we're here for that: We've found seven outfits put together by a whole bunch of "those girls" and we've got some advice for recreating that magic.