Here is a brilliant career move: Write one of the most addictive, beloved series of all-time over the course of, say, 18 years, and then, when your devoted audience is finally all grown up, come out with an adult novel. The result is a guaranteed win. And while J.K. Rowling's newest book isn't exactly in Fifty Shades Of Grey-territory, the once-YA author is definitely experimenting with a little adult content in her new book,
The Casual Vacancy, which hits shelves (and our e-readers) tomorrow.
Sex, apparently, is on the writer's mind, as are class warfare, local elections, and the issues of teendom. Speaking to
The New Yorker, Rowling talked about the freedom she is experiencing, writing about something that doesn't have the pressure and history of Harry Potter. And also, being able to really stretch her creative legs. “I had a lot of real-world material in me, believe you me,” Rowling said. “The thing about fantasy — there are certain things you just don’t do in fantasy. You don’t have sex near unicorns. It’s an ironclad rule. It’s tacky.” Well, sure.
That said, she continues from there to make clear that it wasn't exactly sex she wanted to write about: It was the mundane world of being a muggle an adult.
Photo: Via JKRowling.com