Jack White freaked out at the crowd at Don Hills, saying, "Maybe I should go grab those free drinks and shove them down your throats, you hip motherf-ers!" Hey, Jack, remember that expression: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" ? (Huffington Post)
You know when you're walking down the street, and then all of a sudden you're annoyingly ordered to move because a movie's being filmed? Turns out one UWS dude got more than pestered—he head-butted a production assistant on Joseph Gordon-Levitt's new film. Sounds like that'd be a good "kick" in Inception. (New York Post)
Seems like Discovery isn't the only one making us scared of sharks. Rockaway Beach is having it's very own Shark Week, albeit unplanned. (Gothamist)
Former NYC nightclub promoter Rachel Uchitel sure is a fame whore. Tiger Wood's ex-mistress tried to go on a date with former Bachelor Jake Pavelka. Unsurprisingly, he turned her down. We wouldn't want STDS either. (New York Daily News)
Bingo is suddenly cool again, and shocker, the action's all in Brooklyn. Don't expect grandmas, do except Acne jeans. (City Room)