Traditionally, the kick from your average, run-of-the-mill marg comes from all that tequila swimming around with citrus juice and liqueur. It's one of your cooler cocktails, truth be told. Being dedicated Sriracha addicts, however, our ears perked up when the lovely, Austin-based Jeanine Donofrio of the equally lovely food and lifestyle blog Love & Lemons said she had a fun, homemade way to kick up the Scoville rating of our favorite summer drink.
To entice her to demonstrate it for us, we hooked her up with a goodly amount of Grand Marnier for her mix — we like our margaritas spicy and smooth — and set her to work. She reported back with not only her technique, but a full slideshow's worth of beautiful photos shot by her talented friends in her Austin backyard. Sure, we walked away with the simple, simple method, but now we're sorta bummed that we weren't there to share the food, margs, and scenery. Maybe next time, Jeanine?