Here's what I do to rein in my judgements: When I catch myself being judgmental (at a dinner party, on the playground, in the drugstore), I
immediately push those thoughts away and force myself to think of something positive. I don't know what's going on between that couple sitting across from me. I don't know what kind of morning the mom at the swings had, and I certainly don't know why the person at the pharmacy is being pushy.
It might sound kind of silly, but if we are going to make assumptions about people, why not make them positive?
Everyone has a story, and there is no way of knowing the
full picture. Often, even with friends or coworkers, we only have a partial view. Think of it like an
iceberg. Chances are, we are only able to see the tip. So much could be lurking below the surface, and who are we to judge someone or a situation when there are so many unknown factors?
I've been trying to be open-minded. This may sound trite, but it's helping me stick to my pledge to quit my judgment habit. I encourage you to do the same. The next time you're inclined to judge someone, I urge you to look deep within yourself and try to see the situation from another angle. It's only going to make you feel better about yourself in the long run because think about it: Judging someone doesn’t define who they are;
it defines who you are.