6 Times Kate Moss Had A Better Life Than Us

Bust out your best cat-eye liner, skinny jeans, and, heck, just skip a shirt today — it's Kate Moss' 40th birthday, people! It's now been 26 years since the gawky girl from Croydon was discovered at JFK Airport and 25 years since her iconic Calvin Klein campaign. Which means that Kate Moss has been incredibly famous for more than half of her life at this point. And, almost all of our lives.
And, aside from a few famously dodgy proclamations — we'll have Ms. Moss know that a lot of things taste as good as skinny feels — the supermodel has chosen to remain mostly silent. So, while we await the tell-all she will surely write someday, we have to stalk observe her fabulous life the way she wants us to — in pictures.
So, in tribute to the famous supermodel-sphinx, we rounded up her six most Moss-y moments of the year to prove she only gets better with age and that her fabulousness definitely won't stop for 40. Many happy returns, Ms. Moss, you legend.

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