Katy Perry’s Spinning Bra Gets Banned From Her Own Show

One of the many reasons we love Katy Perry is for the array of things she wears on her boobs. From cupcakes to that Cool-Whip bra (which we found out yesterday is her stylist, Johnny Wujek’s favorite Katy costume) and, most recently, movie reels, there’s nothing that Katy’s décolletage can’t handle ... until now, that is. Katy’s iconic spinning boobs, designed by Wujek and is featured prominently in Part Of Me 3D, have been deemed a safety hazard by tour insurers due to a recent incident in which Katy’s hair got stuck in the mechanical bra.
Katy told The Sun, “My hair got caught in the wheels of my spinning peppermint bra and began to coil around and around. I'm forced to just go with it so, by the end of the song, it looked quite like I was licking my own tit. What a girl does for her art. I keep being told the insurers are worried I will injure my neck. I seriously doubt it could be lethal, but they want a new bra designed that will not allow hair to be caught up."
Poor Katy, and poor us: What joy could we possibly reap from non-spinning boobs? (NME)

Photo: Via Heatworld


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