The New Book That Every Beauty Junkie Needs

If you're the kind of person who could spend hours flipping through mind-bendingly gorgeous beauty editorials (hi, us too), this book — simply named The Beauty Book — is what's missing from your life.
It's a collection of work by photographer Kenneth Willardt, whose fashion and beauty photography has appeared everywhere from Vogue China to your local Target. In each image, Willardt seeks to represent a different facet of our contemporary notions of beauty through intimate, dynamic portraits of models and actresses.
But, on a pure beauty junkie note, the makeup inspo here is not to be missed. Yes, the photography is gorgeous, and it's what caught our attention, but, we're staying for things like high-gloss red lips and color-blocked eyeshadow.
Click through to get a sneak peak into this must-have book. And, if you want more, it's coming out in October from teNeues.

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