An Open Letter To Vans: Can We Please Get Velcro Sneakers, Too?

You know when you're shopping online and you see something so fly that you have to have it? Even if the return policy isn't great. Even if the site seems sketchy. Even if you aren't sure how it will fit. You add it to your cart, only to realize after your credit card information is in that the item of your affection will in fact not fit,'s for kids.
That's exactly what happened to me with a pair of shoes in the slideshow ahead. I love Vans classic sneakers, and I've always wished that they would make a pair that had Velcro and was decorated with flames. Lo and behold, I finally found them. They were perfect — until I realized they did not come in women's sizes.
The thing is: Vans literally has hundreds of footwear options, especially through its customization program. Yet, my heart still longs for what it can't have, and in this case, it's some good old-fashioned Velcro straps (blue flames don't hurt, either). If you need further proof of just how good kids Vans are (and just how much we wish these styles were for adults), check out the slideshow ahead. A girl can dream, right?