Whether you want access to L.A.'s most exclusive weekend bash, hear the lovely harmonies of our favorite local band, or just want to support your hometown arts community, we've got just the thing: LACMA's Avant-Garde Resnick Gala After Party. Come celebrate the opening of the Renzo Piano-designed Resnick Pavilion this Saturday, September 25 from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m., with live tunes from The Chapin Sisters, viewings of Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail 1700-1915, and a chance to toast the new exhibition space with tastemakers and co-chairs Jenni Kayne, Scott Sternberg, and Jessica de Ruiter.
Tickets available at www.LACMA.com. The Resnick Pavilion at LACMA, 5905 Wilshire Boulevard (at Fairfax Avenue); 323-857-6149.