It's a cold war! Very simply, Lady Gaga, the unstoppable self-perpetuating hype machine of the music world, is threatening to sue The Icecreamists, the unstoppable self-perpetuating hype machines of Central London ice-cream purveyors. Two weeks ago, the bad-boy ice-cream boutique (yes, such a thing exists) unveiled a flavor that used real, live human breast milk, which in of itself was surely enough to garner headlines. But the Icecreamists went one step further by calling the flavor "Baby Gaga," and having Gaga impersonators serve the $23 treat. Now, even though the company is using good-old-fashioned cow cultures for some servings of the often-sold-out dessert, the original Ms. Gaga is suing them for stealing her name and image. This story comes with a double serving of irony considering the many, ahem, appropriations Gaga has made from Madonna, Ace of Base, and other artists while crafting her work and the legal brief itself which claims, that the Baby Gaga ice-cream is, "deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing." Sound familiar? (PopEater)