5 Great Costumes You Can Whip Up Tonight

Every year, we're resolved to get an early start and whip up an amazing Halloween guise well before the 31st. But, the reality is, it never happens. The weeks leading up to the big day tend to be crazy busy, so we end up with whatever we can cull from the remains of a ransacked CVS Halloween aisle.
But this year, that's going to change. We've dreamed up five super-cool costumes inspired by iconic celebs — which means you won't get that annoying "Who are you supposed to be?" query all night. The best part? You can assemble these getups from the pieces you already have on hand. From pop superstars to fashion heavy hitters to the coolest couple's costume ever, these ensembles require minimal effort (at most, a phone call to borrow a prop) for maximum impact. So, what are you waiting for? Seriously, there's no time to lose!