The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Put-Together Brunching

Ah, Friday: the day when our minds run wild with weekend possibilities. But, whether your two days off are reserved for back-to-back errands, devil-may-care partying, or even a clear agenda of no plans, you deserve to kick off the end of the work week in comfortable clothes. After all, waking up during the late morning (or, ahem, afternoon) hours after a full night of necessary sleep calls for continued relaxation.
But, with the days of winter behind us, we simply cannot endorse the thick sweatpants look, as good as it's been to us. So, up ahead, we've whipped up eight alternative, lighter looks with easy tricks on how to assemble a put-together look without sacrificing any well-earned weekend laziness. And, if you can throw on weekend brunch looks this chic, just think how you might apply these tips to your everyday outfits, too. That said, can we please get this weekend started already?
Special thanks to Maison Premiere.