Breakfast at Tiffany's is probably one of the most stylish movies made about our great city of New York, and Audrey Hepburn, in turn, has become a fashion icon for generations of big-sunglasses-clad, statement-jewelry-wearing ladies. No surprise, then, that some high fashion house would attempt to recreate the classic eventually. Enter Karl Lagerfeld's latest campaign for Chanel's "Coco Cocoon" handbags, which features singer Lily Allen with the trademark big bouffant, bejeweled tiara, and dark shades. Though we're not sure Holly Golightly would do so well across the pond, nor would she carry that Cocoon Chanel bag (we thinks the classic 2.55 is more up her alley), Lily sure does a good job of capturing the right mood and, of course, the fantastic hair. Like a more bad-ass Audrey for the modern-day gal, sans the husband-chasing, perhaps? (CyanaTrendLand)
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