The Ultimate Gift Guide, Courtesy Of London’s Coolest Gals

Buying gifts for yourself? Easy-peasy. Buying gifts for your friends, your partner, and those completely impenetrable minds known as Mum and Dad? Damn near impossible.
The holidays may be the only time of year when you wish someone would send you a gift-registry list. (At least the little ones have the courtesy to tip you off in their letters to Santa!) As it is, you've got no bloody clue of what to buy. Will it be chocolate oranges and bath gel for everyone? Or, can you come up with something better, and possibly even meaningful?
Of course, you can. To get your perfect-present-purchasing started, we've rounded up 18 of London's coolest, most in-the-know gals for their personal gift picks. What do they want? What are they buying? What's the hot item you should be throwing in your trolley? It's all here, my dears.

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