15 Refinery29 Editors Marie-Kondo'd Their Closets — Here's What They Threw Out

There’s a lightness that comes from getting rid of old clothes, but in the winter, that takes some convincing. I’m in the camp that the more things I surround myself with, the warmer I’ll be, even if said items reside in boxes that go unopened for months. Thankfully for my closet, Marie Kondo’s well-timed documentary (released while New Year’s resolutions were in the air) was just the thing to inspire a much-needed midwinter closet clean-out. Recognizing and accepting when clothing no longer spark joy is easy, but willingly parting with the memories associated them clothing is painful. Goodbye, sweatshirt that has moonlighted as my trusty tissue.
Behold, our virtual coming-together-and-reminiscing-on-old-clothing-before-throwing-it-all-away montage (also seen in Sex and the City). Because letting things go is always easier when you have a friend by your side holding your hand.
Ahead, see which items 15 R29ers are saying "bye" to and what they're replacing them with. And let us know in the comments what you'll be throwing out this year.